Debriefing – “I was a stranger…”
08 March 2022 - A look back at the day on 5 March entitled: "I was a stranger and you welcomed me".
A suitcase, Mary and John at the foot of the cross, the Word of God, a candle and a bouquet of colourful flowers. These symbolise the golden threads woven into the whole day last Saturday at La Ferme.
Who are the strangers of our time? By what path have they arrived, and what is the path they still want to travel? How can we be a presence alongside them? How can social teaching support us to grow in fellowship, without trivialising the fears that we carry? How does L'Arche, as a place of encounter, engage with this theme, and act as a meaningful venue for building a world-wide sense of community?
That day was Sophie’s first time at La Ferme. She observes: "I am grateful for this day, for the preparation that went into it, for how the activities were structured, for the quality of the life-stories we heard, and for the respect shown to each person: it allowed plenty of time both for talking and listening, and a good balance between real life experiences and theological reflections on the question of welcome. I have been touched and re-energised in my commitment."