Home > Our Welcome > Reception of groups

Welcoming groups

You have a group?

👉 a L’Arche community or team
👉 a Faith and Light group
👉 a parish group
👉 chaplaincies
👉 a group of priests
👉 a work or office team
👉 a leadership team
👉 a school group
👉 etc.

And you are looking for somewhere offering a time of retreat, formation, reflection, linked with L’Arche and people with a disability?

Our facilities are at your service, catering for up to 35 people, with conference rooms, kitchen staff and outdoor spaces.

If you so wish, we can work with you to develop a programme for your stay with us.

In particular, you can discover the L’Arche community in Trosly, through meetings with men and women with intellectual disabilities, and the assistants. You can also take part in the Day Activitity (ESAT) workshops with people with intellectual disabilities.

For any request, please send an email to accueil@lafermedetrosly.com or use the form below

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Outside the walls

We want to stay linked with those who are far away. The distance is not the end of the conversation.

Our welcome

We run sessions for everyone, including online sessions. We also welcome groups, and individuals.