Home > Our Welcome > Individual reception

Individual welcome

Do you need a change of scenery, time alone, or, on the other hand, the presence of a warm, friendly community?

Throughout the year, whether you are seeking to stay as an individual, as a couple or as a family, you are welcome at La Ferme, for a time that will be adapted to suit your needs: a time of solitude, a personal retreat, revision time, an opportunity to work remotely in a different setting, time-out to make a discernment, space to unwind, in a supportive and welcoming community.

During your stay, depending on your wishes and needs, you can:

– Share your meals with the members of the community of La Ferme
– Have a meal on a tray so as to eat on your own
– Take part in the community’s prayer life (the service of lauds and Eucharistic adoration)

– Spend time in our beautiful garden (whether just to chill out or perhaps try a spot of gardening)
– Revise or work: a study room with Wifi is at your disposal
– Spend some evenings simply relaxing (games, films…)

– The possibility of visiting the L’Arche community of Trosly, its boutique and workshops…
– Take advantage of the tranquil, beautiful surroundings by the forest to take a quiet ramble
– Visit the local area: The Armistice, (where the peace agreement ending WWI was signed) Compiègne, Pierrefonds…)

You will be accommodated in a single room (en suite)
The oratory is open 24 hours a day, with daily times of exposition of the Blessed Sacrament.

Opening hours and prices

Breakfast: between 7.30 and 9.30 am
Lunch: 12.30 pm
Dinner: 7.15 pm

Individual rate :
Bed and breakfast: 34.00 €
Lunch: 14.00 €
Evening meal: 12.00 €
Full board for an individual per day: 60.00 €

Rate for a couple:
Bed and breakfast: 54.00 €
Lunch: 28.00 €
Evening meal: 24.00 €
Full board for a couple per day: 106,00 €

It is recommanded to bring one’w own sheets and towels.
If necessary, it is still possible to rent some at La Ferme : 10 € for the set.

We may be able to offer reduced rates by agreement with a member of the Welcome Team before registration

Student rate for full board: 35 € per day

Request for an individual stay

Please send an email to accueil@lafermedetrosly.com or use the form below

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Who we are

We are a community, and a spiritual centre

Outside the walls

We want to stay linked with those who are far away. The distance is not the end of the conversation.