Called Today: be true to your Vocation - Advent edition

Sun 01 Dec 2024 - Sat 07 Dec 2024

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Called Today: be true to your Vocation - Advent edition


Called Today: be true to your Vocation - Advent edition ⭐

ℹ️ This online retreat is a re-run of the online retreat
« Called Today: be true to your Vocation », firstly given in june 2024
⭐ with an extra added advent talk for December 2024


"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." Howard Thurman

Being true to our deepest, God given, life-giving yearnings…. This is vocation, becoming alive.

We have really only one vocation in life… we are all called to become saints – all of us; every single one of us, no exceptions. There is no special place where we become holy. Monasteries are not more sacred than our kitchen. There is no one profession or only one path in life that leads to holiness. It happens everywhere, and for each us it happens right where we are. Holiness is a gift from God. We don’t have to look for it, but we do have to receive it… and then we have to live it.

Practical information

1️⃣ OPTION 1️⃣ - 7 DAYS

The retreat is offered online over a period of seven days and consists of:

👉 📺 4 talks with reflection questions delivered by Hazel Bradley & George Durner (via video link, sent in advance) on 4 days of the retreat.
👉 📺 ⭐ 1 extra talk specifically recorded by George Durner for Advent time.
👉 💬 2 days of reflection where you are invited to share with an exchange partner or a sharing group if you wish.


👉 You can spread the 5 talks as you like
👉 over 3,5 weeks: from 1st dec. to 25th dec.
👉 watch the talks whenever you want


100€ per participant.

There is a scholarship (full funding) for those participating in our
Communities in the Global South: feel free to ask about it

We would be thankful for further donations, as if you are able to pay more it helps those facing financial difficulty.

If it is a serious difficulty for you to pay the full amount please discuss the matter with us beforehand.

For any related matter, do contact us

English Online Retreat
Location : Online
From Sunday 01 December 2024 To Saturday 07 December 2024


Hazel Bradley has been in L’Arche for over 45 years, starting in Trosly, then in India and now in London, UK. She has been community leader in Chennai, Zone Coordinator for Asia West Pacific, and International Events Coordinator.

Member of L’Arche for 47 years, George Durner used to be L’Arche community leader in Canada and in France, L’Arche regional leader in France and the Middle East, and formation coordinator for L’Arche International.